
|乱弹八褂   |









【药材】干燥种子呈扁平的椭圆形,长约1.2厘米,宽约7毫米,厚约2毫米。种皮灰罴色至黑色,边缘有极狭的翅,翅灼一端有种脊,上方有一对呈叉状的突起。种皮稍硬,剥开后可见有膜状灰绿色的内种皮包于子叶之外。子叶2片,黄白色。气无;味微苦。 全国大部地区均有。





















《第三节 果实和种子的形成 第2课时》

课时课题:第四单元第一章第三节果实和种子的形成 第2课时







①通过解剖观察种子的内部结构提高学生的实验能力和学会简单的观察方法 ,以培养观察能力。;

②通过两类种子结构特点的比较,培养学生分析问题的能力,学会从特殊到 一般的思维方法,形成善于通过分析,归纳而得出结论的习惯。


①通过学习种子的结构,初步树立结构与功能相统一的辩证观点。 ②培养学生实事求是的科学态度。












WFL Publisher

Science and Technology

Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.5 (1) : 97-101. 2007 Meri-Rastilantie 3 C, FI-00980

Helsinki, Finland

e-mail: info@world-food.net

Some functional properties of loofah gourd (Luffa cylindrica L., M. J. Roem) seed

F. A. S. Dairo *, P. A. Aye and T. A. Oluwasola

Division of Nutritional Biochemistry, Department of Animal Production and Health Sciences, University of Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria.

*e-mail: fasdairo@yahoo.com

Received 22 September 2006, accepted 10 January 2007.


Dried loofah gourd (Luffa cylindrica L., M.J. Roem, syn. Luffa aegyptiaca Muell) seed were harvested and divided in two samples, viz., hull and dehulled. The samples were analyzed for proximate composition and mineral contents (Mg, Ca, Na, K, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn). Tannin, oxalate, phytin phosphorus and phytic acid were the antinutritional factors evaluated. Some functional properties, such as oil absorption capacity (OAC), water absorption capacity (WAC), foaming capacity (FC), foaming stability (FS), emulsion stability (ES), least gelation concentration (LGC) and bulk density, were also investigated. The dry matter, crude protein and ether extract values were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the dehulled loofah gourd seed meal (DSLGM) than in the hull sample (HLGSM), while the crude fibre, carbohydrate and ash contents were lower (P>0.05). DLGSM was significantly lower in phytin phosphorus and oxalate but higher in tannin content (0.41%) than HLGSM with coefficient of variation (CV) of 20.79, 40.49 and 12.35% respectively. The phytic acid content in samples did not differ significantly (P>0.05). Contentrations of Mg, Ca, Na, Fe, Cu and Mn were significantly higher but Cu and Zn were lower in DLGSM. The highest coefficient of variation (59.65%) was recorded by Zn, followed by Mn (43.30%), Na (30.50%) and Ca (20.66%). There was no significant difference in the K values for DLGSM and HLGSM (P>0.05). The functional properties measured, such as OAC, EC, FS, ES and LGC, were not affected significantly. However, WAC and FC increased significantly (P<0.05) with CV of 30.01 and 33.22% while the bulk density was not affected (P<0.05). These values obtained for the DLGSM indicate the potential in its use as a source of vegetable protein in animal and human nutrition.

Key words: Luffa cylindrica, proximate composition, antinutritional factors, mineral contents, functional properties.


Protein is one of the important nutrients required for growth and production in man and livestock. One of the cheap sources of protein for both man and livestock is the grain legumes, many of which had been evaluated to be of good nutritional values when used in formulating diets 1, 2. The competition for most of the legumes that are good quality sources of protein continually makes the search for other veritable sources inevitable such as African yam bean 3, Manihot glaziomy 4, Cannavalia ensiformis 5 and Caesalpina pulcherima 6.

Luffa cylindrica (L., M. J. Roem, syn. Luffa aegyptiaca Muel) is a crawling plant that grows in the wild and on abandoned building structures and fence walls in towns and villages in Nigeria. The sponge in the whole fruit holds the seeds, as many as 25-30 together. The sponge is used in the rural areas of the Southwestern Nigeria for washing and scrubbing of household utensils while the seeds are discarded. There is scarce information on the functional and physico-chemical properties of most of the vegetable proteins that are of less importance in animal nutrition and which are potentially good for use in livestock feeds. These properties, such as texture, solubility, water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity, foaming capacity, gel formation, etc. are indices that may be used to a large extent to predict the behaviour of the plant protein in food formulations 7-9. In separate studies, Kinsella et al. 10 and Oshodi et al. 11 reported some functional and physicochemical properties for soy protein and benth (Adenopus breviflorus) seed protein concentrate respectively. This study was carried out to evaluate the chemical composition of loofah gourd seed and to provide necessary information on the

Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.5 (1), January 2007

physicochemical characteristics with a view to its use in animal and human foods.

Materials and Methods

Seed collection: Dried loofah gourds were harvested during the months of January to March in Ikorodu, Ado-Ekiti, and Ikere-Ekiti towns all located in the South Western Nigeria. The gourds were broken opened and the sponge removed. They were shaken to remove the seeds from the fibre mesh of the sponge manually. The seeds were further sun dried and kept in jute bags from which samples were taken for analysis.

Proximate composition and mineral analysis: Raw samples of loofah gourd seed were taken and divided into two. One sample was dehulled while the other half was not. The two samples were ground in the Laboratory Hammer mill (DIETZ, 7311 Dettingen- Teck, West Germany) and stored in dried sample bottles. The samples were then analyzed in triplicate for proximate composition according to AOAC 12.

The crude protein was obtained by multiplying the nitrogen value by a factor of 6.25 while the nitrogen-free extract (NFE) was determined by difference.

Mineral analysis was carried out both on the dehulled and hull samples. The Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu were determined using the wet digestion procedure. The samples were digested with a mixture of nitric, sulphuric and hydrochloric acids. The atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Buck Scientific, East Norwalk, CT06855, USA) was used to determine the values for each of the


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