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《英语 杀死一只知更鸟 书评》

To kill a mockingbird

The novel “to kill a mockingbird” written by Harper Lee tells us a story about social equality. The background of this story is during the depression era. At that time, people still thought white people were higher than black people. Atticus, a lawyer and also a father, he tried to change it. He strived to prove Tom Robinson, a black man who was accused for raping a white woman was innocence. Although Tom still was killed at the end, Atticus’s struggling actions express people fight with social equality.

I think the most important character in this story is Atticus. As a father, he knows the appropriate way to teach his children. When Scout or Jem asks him a question, he will answer the questions directly in a clear way which Scout and Jem can easily understand such as the definitions of rape. He is very fair to Scout and Jem and treats them without partiality. When there is an argument between Scout and Jem, he tries to listen both sides instead of making decisions quickly. Maybe Atticus realizes Scout and Jem need a “mother”, so he let Calpurnia to be the maid in his home.

Because he decides to defend Tom Robinson, he is criticized by others people usually. He just tells Scout that everyone had their own thinking without contradicting. Atticus remains calm when Bob Ewell comes to him and reviles him with dirty words. Atticus accepts the payment which in different way from the Cunninghams. He knows if he does not accept, Cunninghams will not be sureness because he owes Atticus something. Atticus is always nice to Mrs. Dubose because he knows she was old and sick.

Although Atticus does not want to take Tom’s case, he finally takes. Because he thought it is his duty to defend anyone who is innocent. The most important characteristic of Atticus is he is the one without prejudice. He lives in a racist and unfair society and believes everyone is created equally. He is not only firm in his believe but also spare no efforts to defend a colored people. When he begin question on Mayella, he says “Miss Mayella” which shows full of respect to woman. Atticus also shows courage in keeping guard outside of the jail.

Obviously, racism is one of the most important themes of the novel. The story was happened during the Great Depression in 1930s when racism still existed. White people always contempt for black people and never respected them. There would be a small separated area which for black people to live in one county or city. Author also mentioned in this story. Calpurnia took Scout and Jem to the black people’s church. In that, Scout found many differences between church of white people and black people. Black people did not have money to make their church as beautiful as white people’s church. They even did not have hymn-books. Scout truly enjoyed the experience but he had never visited it because of Aunt Alexandra. She thought white children could not be allowed to visited a black person’s house. Another character in this story was a white man called Mr. Raymond. He was ostracized by whit people because he married with a black woman. He always pretended that he was a drunk. However there was a bottle of Coca-Cola in the paper bag which he always carried. Another evidence to prove racism was Tom’s case. Atticus did a perfect job on defending Tom Robinson. After heard Atticus’s testimony, everybody knew that Tom Robinson was innocent. However the trial still lost just because Tom was black and Mayella was white.

This novel is a retrospective story. The narrative voice is Scout’s and the viewpoint is from the sight of a child. The whole story was a flashback. At the end of the story, Jem got a broken arm and the first sentence in the whole novel was “When he was nearly thirteen, my brother jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow".

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《杀死一只知更鸟读后Reflection on Novel To Kill A Mockingbird 感》

Reflection on Novel To Kill A Mockingbird

Biography of author: Harper Lee

Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926, to Amasa Coleman Lee and Frances Cunningham Finch Lee. Harper Lee grew up in the small southwestern Alabama town of Monroeville. Her father, a former newspaper editor and proprietor, was a lawyer who also served on the state legislature (1926-38). As a child, Lee was a tomboy and a precocious reader, and she enjoyed the friendship of her schoolmate and neighbor, the young Truman Capote, who provided the basis of the character of Dill in her novel .

Lee was only five years old in when, in April 1931 in the small Alabama town of Scottsboro, the first trials began with regard to the purported rapes of two white women by nine young black men. The defendants, who were nearly lynched before being brought to court, were not provided with the services of a lawyer until the first day of trial. Despite medical testimony that the women had not been raped, the all-white jury found the men guilty of the crime and sentenced all but the youngest, a twelve-year-old boy, to death. Six years of subsequent trials saw most of these convictions repealed and all but one of the men freed or paroled. The Scottsboro case left a deep impression on the young Lee, who would use it later as the rough basis for the events in To Kill a Mockingbird.

Lee published her first and only novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, in 1960 after a two-year period of revising and rewriting under the guidance of her editor, Tay Hohoff, of the J. B. Lippincott Company. To Kill a Mockingbird won the 1961 Pulitzer Prize despite mixed critical reviews. The novel was highly popular, selling more than fifteen million copies. Though in composing the novel she delved into her own

experiences as a child in Monroeville, Lee intended that the book impart the sense of any small town in the Deep South, as well as the universal characteristics of human beings. The book was made into a successful movie in 1962, starring Gregory Peck as Atticus.

Short Summary

The story takes place in Alabama during the Depression, and is narrated by the main character, a little girl named Jean Louise "Scout" Finch. Her father, , is a lawyer with high moral standards. Scout, her brother Jem, and their friend Dill are intrigued by the local rumors about a man named , who lives in their neighborhood but never leaves his house. Legend has it that he once stabbed his father in the leg with a pair of scissors, and he is made out to be a kind of monster. Dill is from Mississippi but spends his summer in Maycomb at a house near the Finch's.

《To kill a mockingbird 杀死一只知更鸟 读后感》

To kill a mockingbird

The story is about Scout Finch, a little girl, who lives with her brother, Jem, and their widowed father, Atticus, in the sleepy Alabama town of Maycomb. Maycomb is suffering through the Great Depression, but Atticus is a prominent lawyer and the Finch family is reasonably well off in comparison to the rest of society.

The climax of the story is a trial. To the consternation of Maycomb's racist white community, Atticus agrees to defend a black man named Tom Robinson; who has been accused of raping a white woman. Because of Atticus's decision, Jem and Scout are subjected to abuse from other children, even when they celebrate Christmas at the family compound on Finch's Landing. At the trial itself, the children sit in the “colored balcony” with the town’s black citizens. Atticus provides clear evidence that the accusers, Mayella Ewell and her father, Bob, are lying.

Yet, despite the significant evidence pointing to Tom’s innocence, the all-white jury convicts him. In the aftermath of the trial, Jem’s faith in justice is badly shaken, and he lapses into despondency and doubt. But, Boo Radley ,who has lived a spooky house called the Radley Place for years without venturing outside, intervenes, however, saving the children and killing Ewell in the struggle.

After this accident,Scout accepts her father’s advice to practice sympathy and understanding and demonstrates that her experiences with hatred and prejudice will not sully her faith in human goodness.

However in all roles I like Atticus best. He is a wise man, committed to justice and equality, and his parenting style is based on fostering these virtues in his children一he even encourages Jem and Scout to call him "Atticus" so that they can interact on terms as equal as possible. Throughout the novel, Atticus works to develop Scout's and Jem's respective consciences, through both teaching, as when he tells Scout to put herself in a person's shoes before she judges them, and example, as when he takes Tom Robinson's case, living up to his own moral standards despite the harsh consequences he knows he will face. Atticus is a kind and loving father, reading to his children and offering them comfort when they need it, but he is also capable of teaching them harsh lessons, as when he allows Jem to come with him to tell Helen Robinson about Tom's death. At the end of the novel, when Atticus believes that Jem killed Bob Ewell, he tries to talk Heck Tate, the sheriff, out of calling the death an accident--Atticns's standards are firm, and he does not want his son to have unfair protection from the law.

What’s more, the adversity faced by the family reveals Atticus's parenting style, his focus on instilling moral values in Jem and Scout. Particularly important to Atticus are justice, restraint, and honesty. He tells his children to avoid getting in fights, even if they are verbally






Scoot 是个可爱的小女孩,她勇敢,善良。最爱的当然是finch律师,他就像是暴风雨中,屹立的那更根旗杆,他的道德标注或许和所谓的世俗不同,但他遵从自己的内心。BOO其实并不懂他存在于小说中真正的意义,一个奇怪的人,在最后的最后,称为scoot jim生命中重要的人,让他们学会从新认识是世界。Jim是爱妹妹的吧,是非常非常爱得,原意以生命去守护她,虽然时常小嘲笑她是胆小的女生,还有我们可爱的dim,”dim,没有你的

《杀死一只知更鸟 读后感》

第一篇 之所以取名观后感是觉得自己还没有足够的专业知识水平来写影评。为此,只能根据老师所介绍的背景以及个人对剧情的理解来写一份非专业水平的观后感。


其次,应该是派克的父亲形象和英雄形象给人深刻印象。身为单亲爸爸,他对于子女的教育让人油然产生一种敬佩。特别是在他的子女在生活中见证了社会上非常现实但又很令人费解的情形下,他用他博深的知识抚平了孩子内心对社会丑陋现象的恐惧,给予了孩子坚强、有原则的强大心灵空间,用精准的枪法给孩子一伟岸之感,他对斯各特和杰姆的爱不像现在社会父母对孩子的爱那样地 粗

《Something about humanity 《To kill a mockingbird》杀死一只知更鸟 英文读后感》

Rebecca 3425

Wednesday 14:30

Jun 5th

Something about humanity

The impressions of《To kill a mockingbird》

I saw this move in three weeks ago, I think this move is very outstanding work. It told us many good things about humanity. The move has a positive significance in the pursuit of racial equality, through the film we saw ourselves and see the good and evil of human nature. This move made me knew some truths. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you, be honest and frank anyway; the good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow, be good anyway; you show sympathy for the weak, people still follow the strong, but you must justice for the weak.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you, be honest and frank anyway. Tom Robinson is a diligent and kind black people. In the south of the US there has very serious racial discrimination at that time. Tom knew the white people despise them. But when Mayella asked him for help. He still helps her generous. When Mayella and her father Bob Ewell frame him up. He never hates the white people. He just feels sorry for Mayella, a white woman. Tom Robinson is a very goodness people. He has many good qualities. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow, be good anyway. The father in the move, Atticus, is a lawyer who was with a feeling for justice. He always helps helping others regardless of whether they have money. He help Walter Cunningham go to court and free of charge. But in order to kill Tom Robinson, Walter Cunningham wants to hurt Atticus. Fortunately the children comes and made angry farmers dispel the idea that to kill Tom Robinson. Atticus never want to takes revenge to those farmers including Bob Ewell so I think he is

















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