
|自我介绍   |




地点操场。人数二十,六个得奖,我们班两个。写作有关内容:保持校园清洁;爱护花草树木;举止文明 (写演讲比赛的作文) Dear teachers, my friends and classmates:
Today, I would like to talk to you about keeping our school campus clean and beautiful and live in harmony. We all know that everyone likes to live in a nice and clean environment, with trees and flowers, with sweet air to breath and clean water to drink, and have many friends. Because a clean and friendly environment makes us feel good, peaceful, and healthy. However, some of you may think that it's a lot of work to clean up the campus and classrooms, and it's difficult to be friend to everyone. Well, let me tell you, it's not so difficult if everyone of you just do a little bit of work and form good habits. And it is easily achievable. Here are some of my suggestions:
First, please do not litter. Please don't throw trash on the ground. Make sure trash goes to garbage bins.
Second, please do not pick flowers and leaves from trees. If each of us keep off flower beds, all the plants will go nicely and we will have a beautiful campus.
Third, let's starting greeting each other when we meet, and stop using offensive language. By doing so, we will be more friendly to each other.
These are just some of my suggestions, and I am sure that there are more. So let's start from these small things and making our school a clean, beautiful, and friendly environment.

描写演讲比赛的作文 写参加演讲比赛的作文


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