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《我国水资源所处形势十分严峻水资源短缺水污染严重生态环境恶化等问题日益突出The import为题写英语作文 (关于水资源短缺英语PPT)

今天就要的 the importance
with the rapid development of economic society, the environment is deteriorated by our misdeeds. looking around, I am surrounded by polluted rivers where fish used to live. We will suffer from more difficulties resulting from the shortage of freshwater.
Water is the source of life. Without it, not only the green trees,not only the beautiful flowers,but ourselves will die in such a serious situation. The importance of water is not merely in terms of economy. Water is a wealth of all creatures in the nature , we can not but consider their lives and take measures to avoid over-exploitation and pollution of water. The risks of water shortage to business are growing, but business is failing to disclose the risks fully or to take effective action to mitigate them; Apparently, the risks are too hard for the eco-system to adapt.
The imbalanced ecology will do us a harm in turn.
in a word, no water ,no lives. we are able to live through one day wthout it, but can not manage to live a life in a few weeks. the nature will be so attractive with the nourish of water that we forget to go home. As for the importance of it, our government appealled to everyone to participate in the program of building a beautiful China. Only in the way of scientific development can we have a promising future.

水资源短缺英语作文 淡水资源短缺ppt


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