polluted airborne particles

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polluted airborne particles(共5篇)

篇一:airborne particles是什么意思

airborne particles

1. 大气尘
2. 大气颗粒物
3. 大气尘粒

Airborne particles are measured in microns.


空运的 经空气传播的
另外就是空降的 军事类的 估计你问的就是这个意思吧
兄弟连讲的就是二战空降兵的 英文原版里面经常提到这个词
airborne troops和paratrooper都可以指空降兵
要记这个词的话 air 指空中 borne本身可以做形容词 意思是经由...运输的携带的 两个合在一起就是啦 由空中运输的 空降等等


  Beijing issues orange alert 31 hours ahead of expected gloom to help people prepare
With a new round of smog likely to engulf Beijing and surrounding areas over the next three days, the city issued an orange alert-the second-highest warning level-on Saturday afternoon, 31 hours ahead of the expected gloom.
It was the second such alert issued within a few days, following a brief respite after last week's heavy smog was whooshed away by a cold weather front.
The early warning was issued "to better inform and help residents cope with air pollution, and to help polluted factories better prepare to reduce production", said Xue Jianjun, senior engineer at the National Meteorological Center.
Precipitation on Sunday night could dissipate airborne particles a little, but the pollution level is likely to peak on Tuesday and Wednesday, the center said.
According to the Beijing Municipal Meteorological Bureau, smog is likely to reduce visibility to 3 to 5 kilometers starting on Sunday. In some areas, visibility is likely to be less than 1 km.
"Factory discharges and unfavorable weather conditions-mainly slow wind speed and high humidity-are the leading factors in air pollution this time," Xue said.
The Ministry of Environmental Protection predicted that the dominant pollutant will be PM2.5-particles 2.5 microns or less in diameter that pose hazards to human health.
Schools are required to keep students indoors, and factories are required to limit or suspend outp......

篇四:Plants and us

如果以‘PLants and us'为题,怎样用英文写一篇文章

We all know that we can't live without plants.Plants give us fresh air and we can rest under the trees in hot summer days.Many animals are our good friends and they live on plants.At the same time,plants can make our world more beautiful.It's everyone's duty to protect the plants.Then our world must be much more beautiful.




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